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Ad ID: 5755
Added: October 27, 2023
Location: Malaysia
State: Johor
City: Muar
Views: 835
The story began at the moment when the Ng family were sailed across oceans to settle down in Malaya. But when they first arrived, Malaya, previously as one British colony, was occupied by the Japanese and the occupation was lasted for 3 years and 8 months. As the war progressed, people were suffering and depressed by the Japanese government policy, especially the Chinese immigrant.
Their freedom and daily activities were being controlled by Japan government. They were required to carry numerous documents at all time, like working pass, work badge, tickets for food, vehicle pass and etc. Thus, it was quite arduous for them to secure a job at that moment.
Anyway, the situation turned better until the end of the occupation in 1952. Father Ng and his friends were starting to think about their right career path and at last they made the decision to get into confectionery industry. Making confections is a kind of art and it requires a lot of technical skills and talent. For this reason, they decided to learn the art of confection from an experienced Chinese baking master in Muar. Under the guidance of the old master, they started out with a small shop in Jalan Sisi. Hard work and success go hand in hand because nothing is offered on a silver platter. They’ve gone through many days and even weeks without much sleep, for the business grow and success. They involved in every stage of business, from baking to selling. To provide more choices of pastry, they do learn from different master from different background. As the market demand increases, they sell their pastries to the coffee shops around the town and some neighboring villages.
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